A CMS analysis with paper-ready plots

The goal of this example is to show how to use fasthep-flow to perform a full HEP analysis with paper-ready plots and tables. This includes more complex tasks such as:

  • systematic uncertainties for MC samples and/or physics objects

  • control regions for background estimation

  • scale factors for data/MC comparison

  • statistical analysis of the results

  • provenance tracking for reproducibility and accountability


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Control regions

Control regions are used to estimate the background in the signal region or verify procedures outside the signal region (e.g. for searches). From a workflow perspecite, they are effectively independent branches. To split a workflow, you will need to use the needs keyword:

  - name: Data Input Stage
  - name: Common selection
  - name: signal selection
    needs: [Common selection]
  - name: control selection
    needs: ["Common selection"]
  - name: Create histograms for signal region
    needs: ["signal selection"]
    - name: Create histograms for control region
    needs: ["control selection"]
  - name: Output
    needs: ["Create histograms for signal region", "Create histograms for control region"]

This will create a DAG like this:

flowchart TD A[Data Input Stage] --> B(Common selection) B --> C[signal selection] B --> D[control selection] C --> E[Create histograms for signal region] D --> F[Create histograms for control region] E --> G[Output] F --> G