
fasthep-flow provides a way to describe a workflow in a YAML file. It does not handle the input data specification, which is instead handled by fasthep-curator. fasthep-flow checks the input parameters, imports specified modules, and maps the YAML onto a workflow. The workflow can then be executed on a local machine or on a cluster using CERN’s HTCondor (via Dask) or Google Cloud Composer.

Basic usage

Here’s a simplified example of a YAML file:

  - name: printEcho
    type: "fasthep_flow.operators.BashOperator"
      bash_command: echo "Hello World!"
  - name: printPython
    type: "fasthep_flow.operators.PythonOperator"
      python_callable: print
      op_args: ["Hello World!"]

This YAML file defines two stages, printEcho and printPython. The printEcho stage uses the BashOperator, and the printPython stage uses the PythonOperator. The printEcho stage passes the argument echo "Hello World!" to the bash_command argument of the BashOperator. To make it easier to use Python callables, fasthep-flow provides the PythonOperator. This operator takes a Python callable and its arguments, and then calls the callable with the arguments.


  • you can test the validity of a config via fasthep-flow lint <config.yaml>

  • there are many more custom operators available, see here