Installation Guide

fasthep-flow is designed for flexibility, allowing users to integrate it either as an independent module or as a component within the fasthep package ecosystem.

Installation options

  1. Standalone Installation:

    • Recommended For: Users who are interested in leveraging the capabilities of fasthep-flow independently, without the need for the additional utilities present in the fasthep package ecosystem.

    • Instructions: pip install fasthep-flow

  2. Installation within fasthep Ecosystem:

    • Recommended For: Users aiming to harness the full potential of fasthep-flow in conjunction with the comprehensive suite of tools and packages available within the fasthep ecosystem.

    • Instructions: pip install fasthep[full]

Developer Installation Guid for fasthep-flow

If you’re a developer looking to make modifications or contribute to fasthep-flow, you’ll likely want to install it directly from the GitHub repository. Below are the steps to manually install fasthep-flow.


  1. Git: Ensure you have Git installed on your machine. If not, you can download and install it from Git’s official website.

  2. Python: fasthep-flow requires Python. Make sure you have a compatible version installed. At least version 3.11 is recommended for development. You can download and install from Python’s official website.

  3. pip: Ensure you have pip installed. It usually comes with Python installations, but if for some reason you don’t have it, you can find instructions here.

Installation Steps:

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone

    Replace FAST-HEP with your GitHub username if working on a fork.

  2. Navigate to the Repository Folder:

    cd fasthep-flow
  3. Install the Package in Editable Mode:

    Installing in editable mode (with the -e flag) means changes to the source files will immediately affect the installed package.

    pip install -e .
  4. Verify the Installation:

    You can check if the installation was successful by trying to import fasthep-flow in Python:

    import fasthep_flow

    If you don’t receive any errors, the installation was successful.

Next Steps:

With fasthep-flow installed, you can now make changes, run tests, and contribute back to the project. Ensure you read the contribution guidelines if available.