
What is Provenance?

Provenance refers to the detailed history of the origin, lineage, and changes made to data throughout its lifecycle. It encompasses the documentation of processes, inputs, outputs, and transformations that data undergoes, providing a comprehensive audit trail that can be used to verify the data’s integrity and authenticity.

Why Does Provenance Matter for Scientific Data Analysis?

In scientific data analysis, provenance is crucial as it ensures the reproducibility and reliability of results. It enables researchers to trace back through the analysis workflow to understand how data was altered, what computational steps were performed, and by whom. This traceability is essential for validating research findings, facilitating peer reviews, and enabling other researchers to replicate and build upon the work.

Our Approach to Provenance in the YAML Config

To integrate provenance into our workflows, we introduce a dedicated provenance section within the YAML configuration. This section describes which metadata should be captured, e.g. version of the dataset used, the origin of the data, the specific parameters set for each analysis stage, and the individual responsible for each step (taken from git history). By embedding this information directly into the workflow configuration, we ensure that every step of data processing is transparent and traceable. This not only adheres to best practices in scientific data handling but also empowers users to conduct robust and transparent analyses.


    source: fasthep-curator # Specifies the tool used for dataset curation
      - steps # Enumerates the individual steps taken in the analysis
      - parameters # Parameters used at each step for reproducibility
      - git # Git commit hash, branch, and status for version control
      - performance # Metrics to measure the efficiency of the analysis
      - environment # Software environment, including library versions
      - hardware # Hardware specifications where the analysis was run
  metadata: metadata.json # Specifies the file to store the provenance metadata