Command Line Interface

fasthep-flow provides a command line interface (CLI) for interacting with the package. The CLI is available either directly via the fasthep-flow command or via fasthep command (requires fasthep-cli to be installed). The former is recommended for development, while the latter is recommended for users. The two methods are equivalent, all fasthep-flow commands map onto fasthep flow commands. For simplicity, we will use fasthep flow in the following.

Basic usage

The fasthep flow command has a number of subcommands, which can be listed using fasthep flow --help. The most common subcommands are fasthep flow lint and fasthep flow run.


The fasthep flow lint command can be used to check the syntax of a workflow file. For example, to check the syntax of the CMS Public Tutorial example, run:

fasthep flow lint examples/cms_pub_example.yaml

The command will return 0 if the syntax is correct, and 1 if there is an error.


The fasthep flow run command can be used to run a workflow file. For example, to run the CMS Public Tutorial example, run:

fasthep flow run \
    examples/cms_pub_example.yaml \
    --output examples/output/cms_pub_example

You can also specify the number of events to process, the executor to use, and the stage to run:

fasthep flow run \
    examples/cms_pub_example.yaml \
    --output examples/output/cms_pub_example \
    --n-events 1000 \
    --executor dask-local \
    --stages "Select events", "Histograms after selection"

This will run the workflow for 1000 events, using the dask-local executor, and only run the Select events and Histograms after selection stages.