Register stages

fasthep-flow provides a set of useful stages for common tasks and, if fasthep-stages is installed, a set of stages for common HEP tasks. However, you may want to write your own stages. This is easy to do, and we encourage you to share your stages with the community via fasthep-stages-contrib, which are also automatically loaded into the scope. Sometimes you may want to use a stage that cannot be publicly shared, or you may want to use a stage that is not yet available in fasthep-stages-contrib. In this case, you can register your own stage with fasthep-flow.

Registering a stage

To register a stage, you need to point fasthep-flow to your callable. This can be a function or a class implementing the __call__ method.

  my_namespace::my_stage: my_module.my_stage

Here, my_namespace is the namespace for the stage, my_stage is the name of the stage, and my_module.my_stage is the path to the callable. Ideally, the namespace will match your module name, but this is not required. Now, you can use my_namespace::my_stage as a type for a stage, e.g.

  - name: my_stage
    type: my_namespace::my_stage


There are protected namespaces, which you cannot use like this. These are anything starting with fasthep.

Registering a stage that can run on GPU

If your stage can run on GPU, you can register it with fasthep-flow so that it can be used with the process_on: gpu option. To do this, you need to register the GPU version of the stage with fasthep-flow. This is done by adding a gpu key to the stage definition:

    cpu: my_module.my_stage
    gpu: my_module.my_stage_gpu

If you do not have a cpu version of the stage, you can omit the cpu key. The stage will fail if process_on: cpu is used and there is no cpu version of the stage or during fall-back from gpu_if_available.