LUX-ZEPLIN Analysis tutorial

LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) is a direct detection Dark Matter experiment located at the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) in Lead, South Dakota. It is a dual-phase xenon time projection chamber, with a fiducial mass of 5.6 tonnes of liquid xenon. The goal of the experiment is to detect the scattering of Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) off xenon nuclei. The experiment has been taking data since 2021.

When a WIMP scatters off a xenon nucleus, it produces a small amount of light and produces free electrons. This prompt light signal is usually referred to as S1. The electrons are drifted to the top of the detector by an electric field, where they are extracted into the gas phase. In the gas phase, the electrons produce a second light signal, usually referred to as S2. The time between the two light signals is used to determine the depth of the interaction, and the amount of light is used to determine the energy of the interaction:


A single scatter of an incoming particle with the liquid xenon.

In this example we’ll generate a Single Scatters Log10(S2c) vs S1c histogram with hyper from Xe127 MDC3 data.

The steps for this analysis are:

  1. Select data: select corrected S1 and S2 for entries identified as a single scatter

  2. Create histograms of the S1 and S2 phd values to fill a 2D histogram

  3. Present the results in a publication-ready plot.


Preparing the data


Putting together the workflow

Input data

The first step is to define the input data. In this case, we will use the output from the fasthep-curator step and pass it to the first stage of the workflow.

  - name: Input data
    type: fasthep_carpenter.operators.InputDataOperator
      curator_config: "/path/to/curator.yaml"
      split_strategy: "file"
        n: 1
      method: uproot5

We typically would only need the name, type, and curator_config here as the other values are defaults. However, we have included them here for completeness.

Selecting single scatters

Since we are working with reduced quantities, most of the work has already been done for us. We just need to use the identifier to select the single scatters.

- name: Select single scatters
  type: fasthep_carpenter.operators.SelectOperator
    when: " == 1"


- name: S1 vs S2
  type: fasthep_carpenter.operators.HistogramOperator
      - name: s1c_log10_s2c_hist
            { low: 0., high: 2200, nbins: 1100 },
            { low: 3.5, high: 6.5, nbins: 1000 },

The fasthep_carpenter.operators.HistogramOperator takes a list of histograms to create. Each histogram is defined with a name, input, and edges or bins. The name is the name of the histogram, the input is the variable to histogram, and the edges are the bin edges. The input can be any variable defined in the workflow, and the edges can be any list of numbers. The bins are a list, one entry for each axis of the histogram. Each entry is a dictionary with the keys low, high, and nbins. The low and high are the low and high edges of the histogram, and nbins is the number of bins.


As you might have noticed, one of the inputs to the histogram includes a function call. This is a feature of fasthep-flow that allows you to use expressions here. Alternatively, we would have to define a new variable with the expression and then use that variable in the histogram.

Making paper-ready plots

The final step is to make a paper-ready plot. We will use the fasthep_flow.operators.bash.BashOperator for this:

- name: Make paper-ready plot
  type: fasthep_flow.operators.bash.BashOperator
    bash_command: |
      fasthep plotter \
        --input /path/to/output \
        --output /path/to/output/plots/

Putting it all together